Mad Dog // Anime Ophidian // 4wallzz // Bollmann // Cøunts vs. Hayek // DJ Henk b2b $EITAN777 // FLUCC // kiirm // Lolita // LØUS vs. Ema Leo // myu:sa // Papawouter & GlumGlum // Olmatri // System303
09.09.2024 - 17:15 Uhr
Gabber Industries Berlin
Berlin Gabberz, get ready for the biggest production ever organized by Gabber Industries Berlin. On the mainstage we will deliver you real dark hardcore mixed with our modern industrial sound up to millenium hardcore. On the second floor the sound will be a little more diverse and also happy in between.
Mad Dog/Anime/Ophidian/4wallzz/Bollmann/Cøunts vs. Hayek/DJ Henk b2b $EITAN777/FLUCC/kiirm/Lolita/LØUS vs. Ema Leo/myu:sa/Papawouter.. GlumGlum Olmatr