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  • Wedding’s Uferhallen artist studios fight against gentrification

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Wedding’s Uferhallen artist studios fight against gentrification

At Uferhallen, a large studio and workshop space in Wedding, the resident artists are taking up the fight.

Art against hypergentrification: Wedding’s Uferhallen (Photo: Hansjoerg Schneider)

For many years, life was beautiful in Wedding. Artists worked busily away in studios; in the main hall there were frequent live gigs. Both visitors and locals benefitted from surprisingly good gastronomy and generally enjoyed the space. But since 2015, a large sporting goods producer has occupied the hall with a ‘base’. And, worse still, the whole area has been under the ownership of a large investment company since 2107. The future of the studios is unclear.

And this is why residents are now coming forward — with their own means. Eigenbedar is the name of their week-long exhibition, referring to one of the most feared words relating to the city’s current rental market. If you hear it, it means you’ll be given notice very soon — that your landlord claims the space for him/herself. 65 artists, among them John Bock, Heiner Franzen, and Asta Gröting will take part. They want to shed a light on the precarious situation and the changing living and working conditions throughout Berlin.

Address: Uferhallen, Uferstraße 8, Wedding | Exhibition runs from August 24th to September 1st, Tue-Sun 4-8pm, free entry

Directions: U-Bahn station Nauener Platz

Translated by Aida Baghernejad


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