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  • Made in Berlin: Elon Musk plans new Tesla plant in Brandenburg

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Made in Berlin: Elon Musk plans new Tesla plant in Brandenburg

A giant Tesla manufacturing plant — right next to Berlin? Everyone’s, well, electrified.

Berlin’s politicians are electrified: is Tesla really coming to Berlin? (Photo: imago images / photothek)

Elon Musk, the twitter-happy Canadian-American visionary (e-cars, PayPal, space travel) wants to build a Tesla Gigafactory in Brandenburg, southwest of Berlin. There’s talk of 7,000 potential jobs, with production to commence in 2021. Berlin’s senator for the Economy, Ramona Pop (Green Party), announced the news earlier this month — by tweet, of course.

But no investor is welcomed with open arms in this region. What about the famously slow administration and bureaucracy?

But, we have to admit, it would be interesting to see if Musk could give the German automobile industry a (much-needed) kick in the behind. It’s still busy tampering with old diesel technology, instead of getting to grips with electric car production. And, just maybe, Musk could make Berlin’s bureaucrats get a move on…

Translated by Aida Baghernejad


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